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Love, Compasion, Respect

About Angel Light Personal Care Home

Life oftentimes creates a storyline and cast you in the starring role without your permission. This is what led to Angel Light Personal Care Home coming to life. My family and I are from New Orleans. After Katrina, we moved to Houston, with a stop in Alabama along the way. We love our city but decided Houston would be the choice for our family. In doing so, this meant leaving behind my then 91-year old grandmother who was the only mother I’ve known since the passing of my own mother. I was five. Lillie Fisher was independent and still taking care of herself, so I knew she’d be fine. I could always drive back home to see her, which was often. However, this would soon change. Grandmother had fallen in her bathtub, breaking her leg, and at her age with this injury, someone needed to live with her on a consistent basis. She was adamant about not leaving the city (New Orleans) to come here to Houston. We, like many families, made the tough decision to find an in-home caregiver that would live with her daily. This taught us invaluable lessons that would eventually lead us to provide services to other families in similar situations. We just didn't know were being entrusted to do this at the time.


After ensuring that my Grandmother was in great hands and spending months at her side, she closed her eyes to this world peacefully. Shortly thereafter, another family emergency arose. My father, also in New Orleans, suffered a severe stroke. Without hesitation, my husband and I moved him to Houston with us to ensure his best care. We got him settled in and quickly realized with our fulltime careers, this level of care he warranted required full-time attention. We searched high and low, never finding what we would want for our loved one. This was disappointing. The lack of compassion, respect, care, cleanliness, involvement, and humanity that many facilities lacked frightened us. At this point, I felt there was a serious and needed gap of opportunity that perhaps I could fulfill and then provide to other families facing the same thing. My dad is a retired veteran. My grandmother was the only mother I had. They are human beings first and deserve to be treated with high regard, compassion, dignity, respect, integrity, great care, and most of all, love. I began researching, taking classes, becoming informed, educated, and certified to do this work. Now, I could assist, help, and support other families facing the same challenges. This is my personal story and testament. God led and a heart filled with love, Angel Light Personal Care Home will ensure that your loved is well cared for in a loving home environment. We welcome them

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